Stake Boosting Dynamics

Boosting gives you random power for your stake in points.

There are two types of boosts:

  1. Personal stake boost

  2. Team boost.

Personal stake boost

Ways of acquiring personal stake boost:

  1. Buy a random boost for your stake in $TKW while staking tokens in a token battle,

  2. Get free boosts or discounts for boost for different actions

    1. Whitelisting to token battle

    2. For Active participation in the token battles

    3. Having a tokenwars warriors subscription (Battle perk pass - gold, bronze, silver)

    4. Can get as a gift in some pratform compaings

Boost are not reusable and can be used only once in one battle.

What are the types of random personal stake boosts you can use

  1. Your stake multiplicator in points (1,5 x, 2 x , 2.5 x….)

  2. Your stake boost multiplicator in points (...) + your next x stakes that will be boosted for free

  3. Your stake boost multiplicator in points (...) + any of your team's next x stakes adapted the same boost.

  4. Your stake boost multiplicator in points (...) + any of your team next x stakes random boost

  5. Your stake boost multiplicator in points (...) + time extension for the battle

  6. Other options will be presented later

Option for Implementation of random boosts at the momment are prefered in the form of NFTs. Boosts are issued while whitelisting or during personal stake boosting and can be used only one time in one specific battle. Boosts used in battle are applied instantly.

Price of the personal stake boost - TBD (currently available few options: percentage fee from a stake or fixed fee, in both case acquired with $TKW tokens)

Team boost

Team boosting gives the team additional power in points to all stakes during x amount of time. Team boosts can be applied only when 5 team members apply the same boost in the 30 sec. Team boosts are only valid for the specific battle and for the particular token you support.

Acquiring team boost

Team boosts can be received only when whitelisting for the battle participation. Every team receives team boost amounts based on x amount of users whitelisted. The more users whitelist for the battle the more team boosts they receive. The team boosts are distributed randomly.

How team boost can be applied and activated.

  1. Team boosts can be applied only when 5 team members use it within the 30 second time span. Team boost can be applied by anyone who has a team boost NFT without staking.

What are the types of team boosts

  • Your team stakes multiplied in points (1,5 x, 2 x , 2.5 x….) in 1 minute time.

    • Personal boosts can be applied during team boosts (while team boost is active, personal boosts also count)

  • Other options will be presented later

Last updated